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the Z fighters have all but have died in a time of peace and earth has been in peace for years. but evil threatens to take over the earth yet agian and the new generation of fighters must stand toghter or fall into the darkness.
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 Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.

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Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Left_bar_bleue18000/100000Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty_bar_bleue  (18000/100000)
Zenny: 1,000

Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty
PostSubject: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitimeMon Aug 17, 2009 11:39 am

Vuulan stood in the tournament arena his energy flowing around him.He wore a expression of cold hunger which was strange for the usually laid back and care free warrior.His eyes stared at his opponent as he slid into a stance his body flashing.*Let's began this.
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Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitimeMon Aug 17, 2009 4:17 pm

Zeke walked into the tournament area of the 121st Tenkaichi Budokai was to be held. It was his first time ever entering the tournament, and he was really excited. He had recently found out about it, becasue it had been the talk of the whole town. He learned just about everything he needed to know about it just by hearing other poeple talk, and he eventually entered it. He kenw that there would be strong fighters entering, and he figured this was his chance to test his strength. He was only 12 years old, and may or may not have been the youngest one there. He assumed that he probably would be, but he knew anything was possible. He remembered that the legendary Goku was also 12 the first time he entered the tournament, and would have one if it hadn't been for someone name Jackie Chun who had defeated him in the final round after one heck of a fight.

Zeke wondered if maybe he could win, or at least make it to the final round. He was a saiyan, and had his super saiyan powers, and had been doing alot of intense training lately, but was it enough? He would soon find out. The boy he was facing had a cold, and stern expression, and he looked very determined. Zeke smirked as he studied the boy. Heh, you don't look so tough!" Zeke said to the boy. The boy slid into a fighting stance, and said "Let's begin this!" Zeke went into his own fighting stance, and also said "Let's do it!" Zeke decided he would not activate his super saiyan powers unless he started to lose, or soo found out that his opponent was on another level, and was too strong.

Zeke waited for the boy to make the first move.
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Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Left_bar_bleue18000/100000Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty_bar_bleue  (18000/100000)
Zenny: 1,000

Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitimeMon Aug 17, 2009 4:24 pm

Vuulan smirked and vanished appearing in front of the boy bringing in a rain of punches and kicks a merakle at Rookie power was as strong as a super sayian.Vuulans fist blurred as he aimed first for the jaw following with a kick to the rib cage bringing in another for the jaw before using momentum to spin bringing a elbow around for the sternum twirling a round house kick for the kid's skull before ending it with a charged blast at Keitaro's face.
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Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Left_bar_bleue23000/100000Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty_bar_bleue  (23000/100000)
Zenny: 1,000

Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 18, 2009 9:04 am

ooc: um this is suppose to be held in the event section i didnt know if you guys knew it or not but no harm done i'll just move it for you just next time post in the event section please. ^.^ oh and countinue with your macth this is getting good.
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Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Left_bar_bleue18000/100000Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty_bar_bleue  (18000/100000)
Zenny: 1,000

Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 18, 2009 1:55 pm

Lol thanks)
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Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Left_bar_bleue16800/100000Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty_bar_bleue  (16800/100000)
Zenny: 1,000

Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitimeTue Aug 18, 2009 11:53 pm

This boy that Zeke was fighting was obviously not a weakling, and knew a thing or two. He had smirked, then vansihed, and reappeared in front of the boy rapidly punching, and kicking. Zeke instantly started doging, adn was hit a few times, harder than he expected, but he didn't take too much damage. This was no ordinary person. It would see, that he was actually going to have to go Super Saiyan, and use some effort, but before Zeke could even think of doing that, the boy tried to roundhouse kick, and follow through with a ki blast to the face, so Zeke quikly used instant transmission to appear behind the boy, all the to end, almost anyway.

Zeke was about 8 feet from the end, and then he began to focus his power, and his hair began to stand up, and suddenly, he transformed into a Super Saiyan. HIs hari was now spiked up vertically, and was now a golden color. His eyes hasd turned teal, and a golden aura surrounded him. Zeke quickly charged at this boy, and atempte to kick him in various places such as the chest, rib cage, the skull, and his crotch.
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Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Left_bar_bleue18000/100000Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty_bar_bleue  (18000/100000)
Zenny: 1,000

Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2009 9:28 am

Vuulan watched the boy vanish and turned to where he would be his senses allowed him to track power even when teleporting.He watched the boy change and nodded his approval.He blocked 2 of 4 getting kicked in the chest and head before turning bringing his leg up blocking the shot at his crotch.Kid's Revenge:Vuulan shot forward where he would smash a elbow into the kid's face raise a knee to his sternum bring up a upper cut combo it with a flurry of kicks to the jaw leg stomach throat rib cage arms and sternum.Preparing for the finish of his rush.
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Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Left_bar_bleue16800/100000Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty_bar_bleue  (16800/100000)
Zenny: 1,000

Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2009 12:57 pm

Zeke was successful in landing a few blows, but the one to his opponent's crothc had failed. Zeke had smirked when he went to knee him there. After Zeke had stopped throwing punches, his opponent, whom he had remembered was named Vuulan, having heard this name from the announcer, tried to hit him. He first tried to smash his elbow into Zeke's face, but he quickly ducked down, and dodged it, which was a wrong move, because he was then kneed in the chest, caught off guard, and then did and uppercut to the jaw, which sent Zeke flying into the air. He would have fallen out of the ring, but he quickly started flying, and landed back on the arena. Vullan had attempted to do more blows to him, but he had already sent him flying with the uppercut, and it was useless. ahhhh, OUCH! Zeke screeeched. The blows he had just received had really hurt. If he wanted to win this fight, he had to step up his game.

He charged at Vuulan, and then and attempted to uppercut him as hard as he could, and send him flying. Then he would attack with a Kamehameha wave if the uppercut was successful, but if not, then he would just shoot a blast of ki energy at Vuulan. It seemed like a nice plan, hopefully it would work against this foe. He had so far, been doing better, adn had been stronger than he had thought. As Zeke neared Vuulan for the uppercut, he screamed. HIIIIYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Left_bar_bleue18000/100000Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty_bar_bleue  (18000/100000)
Zenny: 1,000

Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2009 1:01 pm

Vuulan grinned as he slid back his body pulsed before he vanished and slammed down to finish his rush.Vuulan shot up knocking away the upper cut with a well placed gaurd and grabbed the kid bringing his knees up in a blur smashing them into his face.Vuulan twirled roundhouse kicking the kid down towards the ground before vanishing.Vuulan appeared in front of his Opponent his hands glowing as he pushed them forward.Cosmic Comet.A giant green blast with a red center erupted from his hands firing right almost point blank for Keitaro's chest.

Last edited by Vuulan on Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Left_bar_bleue16800/100000Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty_bar_bleue  (16800/100000)
Zenny: 1,000

Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2009 1:12 pm

Zeke's uppercut was quickly guarded by this Vuulan Kid, and then he had grabbed Zeke. He suddenly saw Vuulan's knee's rise, and since he had his head in his hands, he only had one thing left to do, but he had to be quick. He quickly placed his index finger, and his middle finger on his right hand together, and touched the part of his forhead that wasn't being completely held by Vuulan, and then warped up above Vuulan. Zeke's whole life had flashed ebfore his eyes, thiking it was the end of him. He didn't even know if the Instant Transmission would work, it was just a spur of the moment action. Luckily he had done it when he did, but again, he came to the wrong spot, becuase Vuulan had twirled, adn did a roundhouse kick, obviously a part of his combo, which had brought his leg up, and knowcked Zeke dwn, slamming him into the ground. Vuulan then thrust his hands forward sending a green, and red blast at him. Zeke had no time to move, so he just had to take the blast, but an idea sprang to hsi head.

Zeke quickly focused his Ki, and a blue barrier surrounded him, not a moment too soon. This Vuulan boy was really something, and if Zeke didn't go full force,a dn use everything he had, he was going to be killed, and so far he had been losing this fight, or so it had seemed. After getting up, Zeke focused once again, and used his Saiyan soul ability. A stronger, and brighter aura began to surround him, and he felt twice as strong as before. He then charged at Vuulan, feeling he had the upperhand, seeing as how they were almost even before, Zeke was most likely stronger now. He attempted to uppercut Vuulan in the jaw, and then before he went flying, grab him byt the ankle, and spin him,a dn throw him as hard as he could into the wall outside the arena, trying to make him get a ring out. Zeke had stayed near the edge during this fight, and it seemed like he was about to win. HE had to do this quickly, becuase the Saiyan Soul ability greatly depleted Ki as it was used.

Last edited by Keitaro on Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:46 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Left_bar_bleue18000/100000Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty_bar_bleue  (18000/100000)
Zenny: 1,000

Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2009 1:14 pm

I did acknowledge i saw you vanish and when you charged back I knocked away the elbow and finished MY revenge of the kid.
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Zenny: 1,000

Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2009 1:20 pm

I didn't charge with my elbow though.
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Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Left_bar_bleue18000/100000Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty_bar_bleue  (18000/100000)
Zenny: 1,000

Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2009 1:51 pm

Vuulan felt the punch to his jaw but when his leg was grabbed he opened his hand.Blue Splash:A simple blue beam fired from his hand smashing into the others chest knocking him back.Vuulan felt the power rise and closed his eyes it was time he guessed.Heart of Life:A inner calm followed enveloping Vuulan slowing everything down in reality Vuulan just sped up.Vuulan charged and fired forward bringing a kick for the side of Keitaro's head using the spin to bring a axe kick down for his shoulder sliding back and let loose a volley of punches and kicks.The punches was a perfect combo with the kicks punch to the throat a crippling kick to the leg a open palm to the rib cage made for breaking bone a rocket punch to the stomach followed by 3 more then ending with a blue splash at point blank.
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Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Left_bar_bleue16800/100000Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty_bar_bleue  (16800/100000)
Zenny: 1,000

Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitimeFri Aug 21, 2009 3:32 pm

Dude come on and edit your freaking post.

it's been 2 days, I want to finish this match, so edit your post.
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Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Left_bar_bleue18000/100000Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty_bar_bleue  (18000/100000)
Zenny: 1,000

Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitimeSat Aug 22, 2009 11:58 am

wth is wrong with it what do you want me to edit?
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Zenny: 1,000

Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitimeFri Sep 04, 2009 6:31 pm

if you got hit, and i grabbed your leg, and began to swing you, but you hit me, and made me let go you wud still then go flying.
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Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Left_bar_bleue18000/100000Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty_bar_bleue  (18000/100000)
Zenny: 1,000

Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitimeThu Oct 01, 2009 4:05 pm

Vuulan shot back through the air and flipped shooting up to avoid hitting the wall both hands glowed as he threw two large orange orb's into the air.Both exploded into smaller versions 100 small orange orbs shooting down like tracker missiles Keitaro it's only target for the orange sticky bombs.
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PostSubject: Re: Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro.   Tournament fight Vuulan vs Keitaro. Icon_minitime

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